CJ Lang Summer Friendly
Category: Community
Published: 01/08/2022

Two football teams battled for domination in a SPAR friendly game on Sunday 24 July at Ravenscraig Sports Centre in Motherwell.
A team of 10 made of SPAR retailers versus a team of 10 team members from CJ Lang played a friendly summer football match in a CJ Lang v Retailers. Both teams played well but the Retailers were victorious!
Fahim Baqir of SPAR Burnside, Rutherglen was captain of the Retailer’s team and Jonathan Sinclair, Business Development Manager captained the CJ Lang team.
Jonathan Sinclair from CJ Lang said: “It was a brilliant day out! We wanted to bring the SPAR family together for a fun day. Since the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to make the most of every opportunity. Being able to bring CJ Lang team members and some of our retailers with their families together has been so much fun. We look forward to doing it again.”
Steve Irons, CJ Lang Sales Director added “At Spar Scotland, we see our customers more as a partner and having a fun day like this brings the team together and strengthens our relationship”
Fahim Baqir added: “We have all had the best day! It’s been great fun to get everyone together for this friendly football match. From the moment we put on our football strips to tying the laces of our football boots and heading onto the pitch, we’ve had a great time. We’ve all worked so hard over the past couple of years. Occasions like this when we can all come together as friends makes the hard work worth it.”
CJ Lang donated £500 to Marie Curie on the day.
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